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3. What is a basic Splankna session like?

A Splankna session is bathed in prayer. We ask God to handle any warfare for us and to lock it at His feet. We ask God to go to the particular distressing event in a person's life that He wants to work on. We deal with any forms of resistance to the work He is going to do. We figure out what the distressing event was and the emotions attached to it. One by one, we clear the attached emotions. Most times, the emotions won't clear because we need to forgive others who were involved in the distressing event. Once they are forgiven and the emotions are cleared, the underlying lies we believe or vows and agreements we've made are identified. The lies and vows are like the roots and trunk of a tree--securing and locking the trauma and the intensities of the emotions into our psyche. Another description of the lies and vows is that they're like the fuel that feeds our emotions which in turn, feeds the negative ways we act and interact with others and with God. These lies and vows do not benefit us in ANY way, so we confess them and repent of them and ask Jesus Christ to forgive us and cleanse us and heal us by His authority because of His finished work on the cross! We end the session in prayer, asking God's protection from ANY retaliation on us or our spheres of influence, by the enemy, for the good work that God did in the session. Again, this is a basic session. More work is done in more advanced sessions.

So what did we do in a Splankna session? We put our pain into His hands.

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