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2. What is Splankna?

My friend Julie and I were meeting to pray for our children. I mentioned that I needed prayer because of huge difficulties I was facing in life, that I just couldn't get past--couldn't get around--no matter how hard or how long I prayed about those difficulties. Julie mentioned that she knew someone who had gone through a therapy called 'Splankna' and how that had really helped. I was willing to try ANYTHING (within God's boundaries) to get relief! The relief I felt after my first session of Splankna was HUGE. Fast forward a few years and now I am in training to be a Splankna therapist!

For the actual definition of Splankna, look no further than

(copy and paste into browser-- and yes, 'institute' is misspelled in the web address), " Splankna is a Christian mind-body protocol designed to help you find freedom." Now let me be totally clear: God (the triune God of the Bible) does ALL the healing which leads us to freedom IN CHRIST. He created us. He knows us inside and out. Splankna is merely a tool that God and a Splankna therapist use, to get to the roots of emotional and spiritual issues which have wreaked havoc in our lives and in our relationships, and then to pull those roots out.

Splankna is putting your pain into His hands.

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