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5. Why weren't my prayers answered in my time and to my satisfaction ???

For many, many years I would cry out to God for His healing for painful events and emotions in my life. I know for certain that He heard me, but the answers and relief didn't seem to come. So it felt like in time, the emotions and memories would fade, but then something would happen to bring it all back to the surface again--mainly just the emotions. And anger and sadness were my "go-to" emotions. I could default to anger and sadness quicker than I could eat a plate full of cookies! I noticed after going to several Splankna sessions, that my emotions weren't as volatile. My emotions stayed steady in frustrating situations. What was up with that? Why didn't they go from volatile to steady ALL those times in the past that I prayed and prayed and prayed to be calm in rough situations? Why did the horrible emotional pain that wreaked havoc all throughout my life subside after Splankna sessions, but not after spending so many hours in agonizing prayer, asking God to just take away my pain?

One day I noticed Isaiah 59: 1 & 2 "Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; Nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have separated you from your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear." Hmmmm...... My mind began connecting the following dots... I learned from Splankna that during traumas, we make agreements with the enemy, believing that he/we can handle our problems better than God can. We agree to believe and act on the lies the enemy feeds us. We agree to be targeted or tormented by the enemy in certain areas. We agree to harbor unforgiveness. God 'honors' those agreements; i.e. He lets those agreements stay in place because we made them with our free will and He doesn't violate our free will. What are these agreements? These agreements constitute our iniquities and our sin! So what do we do? What can we do? They remain in place and in play, until we consciously break them--confessing and repenting of them.

And that is exactly what we do in a Splankna session! We very specifically and consciously break those agreements--confessing and repenting of them--asking Jesus to forgive and cleanse us in His blood! But remember from post number 2, negative emotions have tethered those agreements in place, so when the emotions are released and we forgive the people associated with those emotions, we have the authority in Christ, to break those agreements. So my original question, "Why did the horrible emotional pain that wreaked havoc all throughout my life subside after Splankna sessions, but not after spending so many hours in agonizing prayer, asking God to just take away my pain?" was answered, quite satisfactorily I must say, because I specifically released the emotions, specifically forgave those associated with the emotions, and specifically broke the agreements I made, prohibiting Him from answering! Again, ALL of this was done through the power and authority and finished work of Jesus Christ! Praise God!!!

I am NOT saying that the tools of Splankna are the only ways to do this. I AM saying that this is how God chose to operate in MY life, and I am SO extremely THANKFUL!!! From what I hear, God has chosen to work in many other lives through the tools in Splankna! We put our pain into His hands!

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